· By Bumblefoot
This was my first electric guitar, after I was playing for 2 years in 1978. It was an imitation Les Paul, by a company called 'Pace' - I've never seen anything else by the company. It was the least expensive electric guitar at the music store I was taking guitar lessons at.
(photo taken 1978)
The guitar went through many changes - I had this shiny "prism tape" that made colorful reflections - I cut out the shape of the pickguard, forward and reverse, and made a pickguard and reverse-pickguard shape with the tape on the guitar.
Years later I cut away the wood to a strange shape and painted the guitar red. There was a sharp edge in the shape that would bother me when I played. My mom had an old coat with fake fur. I cut up her coat and covered the guitar in fur.
(photo taken August 19, 1986)
A few years after this, the fur was destroyed and had shed all over, and it was time for another change...
In 1988, I removed the frets from the neck, made a concoction combining wood sawdust, fiberglass dust, and epoxy resin, put a layer of it onto the guitar neck, and then stuck a bunch of coins ($4.63) onto the neck. After it hardened, I filed down the sides of the coins to be smooth with the edges of the fingerboard. I cut away the body some more, and put a Les Paul-style tailpiece at an angle sticking out of the edge of the body, and wired a DiMarzio super-distortion pickup and a volume knob into the body. I found pictures of penguins in a magazine, covered the guitar body with them and painted over them with polyurethane. I used a thin rope attached to a tuning peg as the guitar strap, because of the light body that made the guitar 'neck heavy'. I then typed on a little piece of paper with my Commodore64 computer's dot-matrix printer, and made a label that said 'Bad Ronald - The Pensive Expenguin' and polyurethaned it onto the guitar's head.